Monday, October 24, 2011


Terri and I ran in the International 5K in Canada this weekend. Terri came in SECOND for our age group, I came in 7 (of 28).
I have learned that with training and perserverence and patience I can do anything! What a great weekend we had. We picked up our packets Saturday and went to the Pasta party, came back Sunday to run the race. Canada was awesome and beautiful, and then we cross the Rainbow Bridge and you have to lock your doors. I am ashamed of you USA and NY.

I am hooked more than ever on running, trail running. Yoga and eating healthy! Man how awesome is the world when you don't have to drink to have a good time. Oh an the men! With fabulous thighs and calves..........
I have died and gone to heaven. Good friend. Good times.

I never got this high on shots of Patrone!

Terri you are such a good friend! You push me and motivate me to do the best I can do! Love you!