Sunday, October 06, 2019

Day 5

I feel great! I went to the Phil Collins concert had a blast. I did not have to be wasted to enjoy it. I intended to enjoy myself and I didn't have to drive. I had a great Saturday lunch and shopping with a long time friend. She is supporting me in my sobriety and offered to be someone to count on if needed. Driving home it was a beautiful sunny autumn day. I got to sit in the sun room and enjoy it, normally I would have been holed up in my bar upstairs. Away from the sun and fresh air, the breeze and the birds. I mowed the lawn. Sunday I was not hung over and laying on the couch all day, I was able to make 2 soups to freeze for my lunches. 

Don't get me wrong. I am aware of this bliss. I won't fool myself. It's only been 5 days so this is the easy part. I know I have a harder road the more days that come. That is when I will need to be strong. I have told 3 close friends so far. They support my decision. And I am very grateful that they are not big drinkers so I can count on doing things with them. I am well aware that this is just the beginning, the easy part. But I AM COMMITTED!

There is no limit to the life you can create Sober!