Saturday, June 14, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

I have been very busy at work, we submit QARR to the State June 1st so that is a 24/7 project before and after that date, we work toward this every year so I gear up for it. And then this time moved right into another project of implementing and building CCA, a new application.

And when I come home I counter with yoga, and nature, my porch and plants. Reading alot, I have cut out alot of DVR-ing to read more. And that is where I am right now, on my porch with my morning coffee........mmmmm good. Also, I am moving back to Buffalo in August so conserving my funds for that as well. Yesterday me and my dogs sat on the porch and watched that big thunderstorm roll in. It was wonderful!!!! Of COURSE this place is becoming sooooo beautiful and peaceful when I know I have to move soon. But the gas prices and the hour drive in and back are too taxing on me now. And I have out grown my need to be a hermit and away from people. My yoga practice has evolved me into the person I always should have been.
I will be closer to family, friends, work and SUSHI!!!! hhahahahaha..... its all good.