He's back! After the loud squawking noises I turned around to see the red winged hawk flying away. I didn't see my little squirrel friend for almost a week. I thought for sure the hawk had feasted on my little friend. I was a little sad. And then yesterday there he was! And he brought 4 other friends! There is a lot of terrific wild life in Florida. I miss my humming birds at the feeder, but I have Heron's and Cranes and a Hawk that visit regularly. How awesome is that?
I went to the Bradenton Riverwalk grand opening this Thursday. Its a beautiful park. They have pet friendly water fountains, and outdoor restaurants on old Main street downtown. That is where I am heading today, with Jeffery. I can only take one dog at a time if I want to keep control. Next week I will take Jasper.
Despite some setbacks when I got here. I miss my good friends back home, but we have discovered how Skype and FaceTime bring each other right into our homes and kitchens for coffee in the morning. Its like you are right there!
It has been a little lonely, but I still love it here. I am just getting into my groove. Still figuring things out. I just have to be more creative in my adventures.
Farmers Markets, Festivals, 5K races, concerts and outdoor restaurants. I am still having a blast!