I complete Me.
All the balance I need, I am now finding it in me.
All the Love in the Universe is being channeled by me.
I am my better half and my other half.
I love my company.
I can be absolutely true to myself about what I love and what I want.
I completely forgive myself for being ‘different’.
I completely love Me for all my tiny and big desires.
I fulfill all my needs.
Everything I need has found its way to me Now. I accept it all as gifts from the Divine.
The Divine in me, I worship Thee. –especially in a state of Prayer
I love and embrace the totality of my Being.
I love and accept completely the totality of my Creations.
I acknowledge the beauty of my Being.
I am Divine. You are Divine. We are Divine. All is Divine.
All the balance I need, I am now finding it in me.
All the Love in the Universe is being channeled by me.
I am my better half and my other half.
I love my company.
I can be absolutely true to myself about what I love and what I want.
I completely forgive myself for being ‘different’.
I completely love Me for all my tiny and big desires.
I fulfill all my needs.
Everything I need has found its way to me Now. I accept it all as gifts from the Divine.
The Divine in me, I worship Thee. –especially in a state of Prayer
I love and embrace the totality of my Being.
I love and accept completely the totality of my Creations.
I acknowledge the beauty of my Being.
I am Divine. You are Divine. We are Divine. All is Divine.
… additions by Nithya Shanti…….
All I need is within me now.
I am happy to be me.
I am right here.
This is really me.
I am me.
I do it.
I decide.
I am Source.
I Am.
I am happy to be me.
I am right here.
This is really me.
I am me.
I do it.
I decide.
I am Source.
I Am.
Change me divine beloved into one who knows without doubt my own worthiness. Let me always know i never need convince anyone of my value.
Change me into someone who trusts that the right solutions to every perceived need or problem are already selected.
Change me into someone who can be guided with ease.
I am carried and guided by divine grace in every moment and change me into one
Who knows my true nature is love itself and so it is.