Synchronicities. I have been living in the Spiritual realm for many many years now. Slowly, learning and transforming since the late 90’s. It has improved my life drastically.
When I’m not drunk.
During the day I am a floating cosmic wonderful being. My life is awesome! It has improved many times over. I achieved EVERY goal I set for myself. Dream job, dream car, dream home a few times. God Spoils me. I practice gratitude every day. Today I noticed something. I do a morning ritual where I thank God for this beautiful day in advance, I know it is beautiful because you are in my life, please be with me and guide me. Guide me. I have been saying that sentence every morning of my life since late 90’s. Yes. I Do. I used to say it while driving to work. Now I say it at my desk at home before I begin work.
I have not been following what I asked. I asked God to guide me. I got signs all the time. But I kept drinking. I remember very drunk nights. Very. Screaming at God, screaming…..where are you? My view of my life is very different on my 11th beer.
When I finally set my intentions, WITH MY HEART this time. 3 people that I love with all my heart that I may never see, are the incentive of my intention. Since I set my intentions to not drink anymore with honest love and conviction, so many synchronicities happened. Because I let God GUIDE ME. I am actually talking to my brother and his family again, I haven’t since 2012. And the rest of my family! My cousins, we talk almost daily! Cousins I haven’t talked to in years. I am slowly getting the family I miss from childhood back. Those are the big synchronicities. There are also many smaller ones that are improving my life on a daily basis.
When you ask God to guide you. You need to let him. That is when things you can't even imagine happen. For the better. Thank you God for being in my life.