I have decided to begin a 30 day yoga challenge. I have got to do something to bring
peace to my mind! To my body! I have to get my mind off so many things, the mortgage application
what do I do if I don't get the mortgage? My landlord wants to put up a for sale sign now that I told
him I am buying a different house, not this one! I just need peace and calm now while I wait.
I put it out to the Universe and God that I will accept what is in store for my future. I have two irons
in the fire. I had to create a back up plan in case I don't get the mortgage. A back up plan that
will ease my broken heart if I don't get the house of my dreams. Its actually very good! So in a month
or two my life will change completely --AGAIN!!! I will be moving that is for sure. Where, I have left
that decision to the Universe and God, for my highest good.
So how can I challenge myself to 30 days of yoga when I couldn't even do the 14 Day yoga detox?
I don't know. But something tells me I have to try.
The reason I am writing about this challenge is to hold myself accountable for the 30 days. I never
seem to finish anything. I intend to finish this 30 day challenge. For my health, mind and well being.