I am so proud of myself. I spent a LOT of time in the organic section of Wegmans today. I got 0rganic Quinoa (Keen-wah), organic flax seeds, organic raisins, steel cut oats, 7 grain bread....yadda yadda yadda. I am going to try the Quinoa Stuffed Peppers recipe. I had been dying to try Quinoa for ages now. I somehow think it is like cous cous which I love and I also saw in the organic bins and will add to my collection soon.... I will let you know the verdict on how the Quinoa tastes and cooks.
So any way, I love all the organic stuff at Wegmans, it is like they have an organic version of almost everything now. Which got me to wondering, just because Wegman's label says organic, is it really? Or are they becoming another conglomerate like Monsanto? Well, I googled Wegmans organic and got a ton of information. I always knew this was a great store but I never realized how great. I did not know that Wegmans has had its own organic research farm since 2007! The nagging is gone, I am impressed. There was a slew of articles to back up the phenomenally good products this store carries, from grass fed beef down to my favorite find So Delicious Coconut Milk!!! So yummy. I always feel good when I shop there but now I feel even better, and no longer have any nagging doubts. I used to miss Whole Foods but now I think Wegmans is just as good and quite equal now. Slowly but surely, I am eating better and healthier. Trying hard to eliminate high fructose corn syrup and GMO's. Sure I relapse here and there, and it is hard to know how far reaching Monsanto's tentacles are out there in so many products. I just listened to an interview about a woman who tried to go a Month without Monsanto. I did not realize Monsanto controls All cotton, All soy, its even in most Vitamin E!!! Don't know what I am talking about? Watch Food Inc.
But any way....its getting late, I will think about all that tomorrow.........tomorrow is Friday and we are taste testing something else I found at Wegman's today......Jacks Pumpkin Spice Ale, I didn't check if it is organic, (yes the yeast if used in brewing can be traced back to Monsanto.....ugh) and I will not check until each bottle is empty.....