Personal blog from me Barefoot Techie, travel, food, recipies, gadgets, nature, tree hugger, hippy, computers, music, podcasts, talk radio. Yoga. EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE, THE IMPOSSIBLE JUST TAKES LONGER
Monday, December 20, 2010
5 more days till Christmas
1. For my daughter to be happy and have the most charmed and lucky life in the world.
2. For my boys Jasper and Jeffery to continue to be the most spoiled dogs in the world.
3. For me to realize that the dreams I have been waiting for are nothing compared to what really is in my future.
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
New Chapter in My Life
The Barefoot Hippie Homestead
I would like it to be in a year or two. And then again, my friend Barb laughs at me because my retirement plans change on a daily basis. So whether it happens or not................come along for the ride. I can still have a Barefoot Hippie Homestead right here where I am. Heck, I can have chickens in the city of Buffalo now if I just got a permit. Nothing is impossible!!!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Is Wegmans organic really organic???
So any way, I love all the organic stuff at Wegmans, it is like they have an organic version of almost everything now. Which got me to wondering, just because Wegman's label says organic, is it really? Or are they becoming another conglomerate like Monsanto? Well, I googled Wegmans organic and got a ton of information. I always knew this was a great store but I never realized how great. I did not know that Wegmans has had its own organic research farm since 2007! The nagging is gone, I am impressed. There was a slew of articles to back up the phenomenally good products this store carries, from grass fed beef down to my favorite find So Delicious Coconut Milk!!! So yummy. I always feel good when I shop there but now I feel even better, and no longer have any nagging doubts. I used to miss Whole Foods but now I think Wegmans is just as good and quite equal now. Slowly but surely, I am eating better and healthier. Trying hard to eliminate high fructose corn syrup and GMO's. Sure I relapse here and there, and it is hard to know how far reaching Monsanto's tentacles are out there in so many products. I just listened to an interview about a woman who tried to go a Month without Monsanto. I did not realize Monsanto controls All cotton, All soy, its even in most Vitamin E!!! Don't know what I am talking about? Watch Food Inc.
But any way....its getting late, I will think about all that tomorrow.........tomorrow is Friday and we are taste testing something else I found at Wegman's today......Jacks Pumpkin Spice Ale, I didn't check if it is organic, (yes the yeast if used in brewing can be traced back to Monsanto.....ugh) and I will not check until each bottle is empty.....
Sunday, September 05, 2010
Romeo and Juliet's - Not so much!!!!
I stopped at Romeo and Juliet's on Hertel. I asked if they have Casata Cake. They say yes, I get a slice and a cup of coffee.
The very blase' kid behind the counter grabbed the Casata Cake slice with his bare hands, put it on a paper plate and handed it over with a tiny cup of coffee. The cake still had wax paper on it, so I figured it was ok since the blase' kid didn't really touch it. The Casata cake was made with yellow cake and not the traditional Angel Food cake. I myself made a Casata cake for my husband Frank using Tina Reccioni's recipe. It was fab! This cake was not fab. It seemed very commercial. So I guess I have learned my lesson. Romeo and Juliet's looks like a nice place but nothing in it is home made. So maybe next week I will try another coffee place in the area. Or maybe I should just make something at home!
Good idea Cyn.
Well after reading this blog it sounds like I might be a tad negative and I am craving sweets.............better check the calendar...........hahahahaha
Friday, September 03, 2010
Oh and speaking of sweet, since we are trying to rid our selves of high fructose corn syrup and I love love love the sweat tea at McD's, I have been making my own sweet tea and its GREAT! Brew a full pot of tea in your coffee maker, I use 4 salada tea bags for 1 pot. Cool that down. In a sauce pan, 1 cup of sugar, (use the organic raw sugar) to 1 cup of water, this is really simple syrup, low heat for about 5 minutes just to disolve the sugar, I usually throw in a couple nice big sprigs of mint from my garden in at this time too. Once sugar is dissolved, I cover and let sit for 20 minutes to let mint or lemon slices infuse. I strain the simple syrup into my iced tea container. This stuff is addicting. It may have sugar in it but at least you know where all the ingredients have come from. I am trying my best to eat REAL food, nothing processed.
Better for you in so many ways.
Any way, this grill is exactly like th cuisinart Grill I have been eyeing but this General Electric is less the pricey price tag!!!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Yoga people get it......
Since I have been doing yoga, I have been building bridges in places I thought I had burned beyond repair, mainly with family. During the past few years, doing back bends into my past and forgiving, I get a call from my brother! I move back to the city where I grew up, I participate in family reunions, I connect with nieces and nephews.
So this recent connection with my dad. It is also to help me heal. Heal the past. So I have made peace with most of what I have had to make peace with. Except one last thing of course. I wish so hard with everything in my life that I could go back, back to when Jessica was 9 years old and change everything. I would make her my whole world, and I would work 2 or 3 jobs to put her thru the best schools in Buffalo, college, dancing classes, art classes, or what ever her heart desired.
It would be just the two of us in our world until she was 18 or in college on her own. Not alot of yoga can change that.
In some ways, I am just like my father......not proud of it
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Yoga Sutra 1.I
I embrace what I will learn from my study and doing yoga. I am open to the changes it will and has brought to my life. I have already experienced drastic changes. I TRUST that what ever happens will be for my highest good. I KNOW that some times the learning will not be easy. I HOPE to crack open my heart and the shields I have built over my lifetime. I will accept if after all this, my life remains simple and boring. Earlier I wrote that the paths I have always taken were the least traveled, I always chose the really hard and difficult ways of doing things. Nothing I ever did was easy. I was proud of myself that I was so strong and able to meet every challenge. I always did what was in my heart, but it seems all those decisions and hard ways have led me only to being alone. Completely and utterly alone.
I am tired of hard work now. I just want the easy way out. Maybe live in a secluded property away from people. I think about that all the time. So I will with humility and an open heart and mind embrace the study of yoga to see what it shall bring.
Friday, August 06, 2010
Power to the Peaceful Yoga
Jivamukti yoga has really kept my attention and I am savoring every single moment, twist, bend and breath. I want more like a heroin addict! And I have also found Kirtan. I listen to it during the day. It brings such peace and serenity into my home.
Lokha Samasta Sukino Bhavantu Om Shanti shanti shanti
May all beings in all worlds be blessed with freedom, health and happiness
Peace in all minds, peace in all bodies, peace in all worlds.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Really good.
Can this day get any better? Only 10:45 and I just did the most amazing chakra balancing yoga outside under the pear tree! I feel soooo exhilarated!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Transformation Vacation
Well for the next 12 days I have several really good books and lots of yoga and exercise planned. If you do not hear from me that is because I have decided to go "off grid" from everything. I have communicated with the only two people in the world that need to know why they may not hear from me. The only two people I talk to on a daily basis that are and have been what I would call the Truest of friends!!! Unconditional Friends. Hey, see, I have learned something already in my
transformation vacation first morning!
Oh the possibilities of a vacation ahead of me..................
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
90 Days of Yoga - Day 8-10 Lunar Yoga
So today to honor the lunar eclipses altho I am a few days behind I will do my Moon Salutations!
I am SO ready for the next chapter of my life. I have learned in the last few weeks due to some cosmic prodding NOT to return to the same old same old, even if it is another man other than Jeffery. I have been reminded that allot of the important men in my life, (Jeffery, Frank, even John) have treated me like an after thought. Some thing they will get to when all the important OTHER things have been emptied. Number 5 on every one's list of priorities, and I am so tired of the boring and mundane. and the waiting waiting waiting. If I want that, I will remain alone very happily.
I have always heard, if a man wants you, he will go after you!!! Remember that ladies. NEVER chase a man!
With that said, oh I am so very happy! The man in my neighborhood that I have adored from afar is, well I cannot say actively after me, but well, yes actually he IS. Would you say being parked right in front of my car looking for me to come out of the the gas station, seeing me, getting out of his car and asking me WHERE have I been all week????? Is kind of actively pursuing? We talked and more on that another time. But all I can say is that slowly but surely, things are looking good.
And to think I almost gave him up for someone who lives so far away and really treats me like an afterthought, that would have been the OLD Cyndie, going for someone that is literally not 100% available.
So I promise I will not make all the old mistakes, God has allowed me one last soul mate, I guess I didn't use up my quota for this lifetime. I will do it all right, and nurture and let this grow. I hope my next full moon we will be gazing at it together, dreamily happy!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
90 Days of Yoga - Day 7 Heart Opening
In the yoga session I was asked to feel compassion and love, so I thought of my dogs, they always give me a really good feeling in my heart, then I was asked to expand that feeling, so I thought about the dogs in the neighborhood, it is very easy for me to love all dogs. Then I expanded good thoughts toward my neighbors, I feel that I have to send good thoughts and intentions to people that bother me to cancel out those bad thoughts. So I thought of my neighbors that irritate me on a daily basis, I started to surround our circle of homes with the healing white light of protection, then I started to expand that to the rest of my neighborhood, which to my astonishment included the guy 2 streets over I have had a crush on for 2 years that talked to me and then suddenly disappeared and to my cousin 2 streets the other way that I have not been having very good thoughts about. I surrounded us all with the light of protection. It may have dissipated my negative feelings but it also reinforced feelings of wanting to be a hermit and to go live in the woods and not have to deal with the complication of people. So much for heart opening. I am really good at running away. But what is so wrong about living in a little cabin in the woods with my dogs and reading, cooking and doing yoga everyday??????
Saturday, July 10, 2010
90 Days of Yoga - Day 4 - 6 Balance
But speaking of drinking! I look over at my water bottle in the morning sun, it looks so beautiful all shiny and glittery and I have written words on my water bottle, I was listening to a study by Dr Emoto that was very fascinating. I do believe that if you set your intentions and write beautiful words on your water container, the water becomes more than just water. And what a beautiful way to set your intentions, on cool clear water that goes down your throat, quenches you and is so very close to your heart and soul. Dr Emoto's water when left in a petri dish created beautiful crystals, where the water with no words only created fungus. I have heard about creating your own healing water this way years ago. I just like the beautiful intention!
Well it is a beautiful Saturday morning and I don't have any intentions for this weekend except to do yoga, eat healthy and read allot! And drink lots of water from my beautiful bottle.
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
90 Days of Yoga - Day 3 (again)
have solar panels installed so I at least have electricity. Some days I dream of living in my own little Quietude. Oh how I would love waking up any time I want, do yoga, drink coffee and read all day. And yes, watch all the DVD's I have downloaded on my laptop in the evenings. Maybe save for the weekends. And then I remember I am NOT really good at growing veggies, or making soap! And canning scares me! I would like my Quietude close to Wegmans. And it would have to be big enough for my king size bed, L shaped leather couch and my 60 inch tv. Other than that I will be back to nature!!!! But that will be my Bliss when I retire (for now, other times I want to retire to a luxury Winnebago and eat in every restaurant in the USA, but I get panic attacks driving over the interstate....another story another time) right now my bliss is the breeze coming from the fan.........
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
90 Days of Yoga - Day 2 Heart cracked open a little.
Monday, June 21, 2010
90 Days of Yoga - Day 1 Summer Solstice
Monday, March 29, 2010
LOL update,,,
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Fat Bikers
Monday, March 15, 2010
LOL = Losers On Line
1. Your screen name should be upbeat and not obnoxious, I will never ever reply to men with handles like: ReallylonelyGuy, Hazeleyescrying, STUD696969, Mywifecheatedonmewithmybestfriend, you get the jist..........
2. Photos, MUST have photos, but not ones of you without your shirt on in the bathroom mirror. Maybe if you are on the beach... and LOSE THE SUNGLASSES, if the only pics you have are of you in your sunglasses, get new ones. And for heavens sake - do not use pictures that obviously have a woman cut out of it!
3. Winks are LAME, if you like a woman for God's sake email her!!! Don't wink and expect her to to all the work. GEZ.
4. DO NOT LIE: about your age, photo age, height, weight, hair, marital status, portion control, smoking, job, home etc. do not even stretch the truth, not only will being caught in a lie be a waste of everyone's time. Even if you stretch things, it is the action that dissappoints us most of all.
5. Make sure your Baby-Momma drama is contained.
6. Don't even think of dating if you just broke up/separated/divorced. You are not date material. You need to heal and get over the break up. You are useless to us and none of us want to be your transitional woman. I know you guys are desparate to fill a void as soon as possible, but it will not end well. No woman of substance will want you. If you do go ahead and try to date you WILL get exactly the kind of woman you deserve, one that is just as desparate as you, and those women tend to make you miserable after a while and you will be back on in no time.
7. Do not, I repeat, Do not ever ever ever mention anything about your ex wife, ex girlfriend or all the "woman I dated"'s, us women like to think we are unique and may be polite and smile while you go on for 3 hours about your ex but believe me, in our minds we have already checked you off the list and can't wait to go home. We never ever ever want to hear about other women in your past. No matter how well the divorce, break up worked for YOU. If you ever want a new woman in your life, leave your past women, in the past. We don't care how well you get along with each other now, we don't care about your vacation stories, or fun snowmoble stories, we don't ever ever ever want to hear about any other women that were in your life. Yes I know that sounds harsh, but its a hormone thing.8, If you really did see Big Foot in the woods, keep it to your self, no matter how exciting you think the story is........
I started writing this post thinking I could make it light and funny and all it is doing is pissing me off. I hate online dating. I think I am going to go back to the old fashioned way of going to bars and getting absolutely hammered doing shots and taking my chances with whose left over at closing time, it seemed to have worked well for me when I was younger, and if I recall, I had a friggin BLAST in those days............
Hey bartender, round of shots here, I'll have a BV..........
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Ahhhhhhh youth!
if you are not already my friend on FB you need to go and check out all the great pics! Come on
you have no idea what you are missing.........
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Dinner tonite!
Dancing at the Lafayette Tap Room
20 years of dancing with each other will do that to a wonderful to have a puzzle peice that fits only you.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Birdie Birdies
Monday, January 25, 2010
Name that farm
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Conversation with God
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Has it really been almost a year?????
Also, I was at the bookstore mid 2009 and a book caught my eye.... Merle's Door by Ted Kerasote. It is a story about a dog but 10 times better than Marley and me. Not only did I really love the book, it opened a door for myself, so to speak. The way Ted Kerasote wrote about the outdoors, mainly Wyoming, and living a natural outdoors type of life, it did two things. It made me REALLY regret moving back from Denver. And two instead of all the "spiritual" type books I have started reading more outdoors and animal books, all the books by Ted, some great ones by Jane Goodall, and my new hero Ann Labastille, the Woodswoman who built her own log homes and lived in the Adirondack mountains. Oh I can smell the camp fire already......there are other books too by Terry Tempest Williams and many many more in a stack waiting to be read. Its like a whole new world for me. A world I would love to live in some how some way. I just don't think I could hunt to keep myself alive. Maybe a really nice log home, near a stream, a few blocks from Wegman's. Well, as long as I can have a nice fire pit in the yard. I ask God all the time if I used up my lifetime supply of soul mates. I have had some great relationships and have learned to put others ahead of me. That is what will make me happy, to see the people in my life happy because of me, because I put them first, made them feel special, because they ARE. I just want a nice simple life with someone, and wouldn't it be great if he had kids? I would love to adopt or become a foster parent but I beleive it takes two parents so I won't do that to a child. I dream of a house and you look into the glowing light of the window and you see us, laughing around the dinner table, playing games, making plans. I worry that my wishes have been used up. So I guess I should start cutting down trees for my log home in the woods.........