I am standing at the edge of New York State and I am ready to fly. Jasper and I are going on the adventure of our lives. It's ok. I've been working towards this all my life. So much that has happened to me has made me the strongest woman in the world! But now it is time to see a new world. Make new friends. I will miss all my old friends. With out you I would not have so many laugh lines.
I want to discover the Rocky Mountains and see the sky that I have been told is "bigger" in Denver.
In the back of my mind since 1995 I have pictured my self in a cabin in the woods in the mountains. Well, I don't think I will go to that extreme yet. How about an RV in the woods? I have just accepted the most fantastic job offer only minutes ago. So check out this website often because I will now be updating this site with our adventures, and some beautiful pics of Denver and my new weekend playground the Rocky Mountains. Soon I will be stepping off that border, and hiking into my new life and Lord I am READY,,,,,, BRING IT ON!!!!!!!