It was "pictures of the past" last week, starting 2 Saturdays ago on Facebook when my old boyfriend Markie Mark started posting pics of me, our dog Kirsch, Elayne posted pics of us, my 69 Chevelle, Pam posted pics of me dressed as Madonna on Halloween and a great pic of Karen Becker as an accident victim! And then John forwards pics of me and Ray on the Miss Buffalo in the early 90's. Every picture had a running theme, YOUNG Cyndie. Young skinny Cyndie. Cyndie with great eyebrows. Oh how I yearned for my youth. At first sadness......but not any more. Now I know I need to enjoy every minute I have now. I am still young, not skinny but not fat! And well, my eyebrows aren't so if I could just find that Ray..........yowza
if you are not already my friend on FB you need to go and check out all the great pics! Come on
you have no idea what you are missing.........