Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day weekend at the RV!!!

Poor Jeffery got a haircut.

Jasper rolling in the grass

A movie star joins us!!!! Wilson from Castaway.

A few finishing touches for the site...

Mr Bugaboo

The old fire pit

Sunday, May 13, 2007


I love driving pass this place on the way to the Lake. Not only does it mean I am 1/2 way there....its such a cool place. Like something I would love to own. Thank God I am allergic to hay!!!!!!

The sign out front says GOD's GREEN ACRES

What a fun place!

Sunrise Saturday

Too cold to stay outside today, ohhhh Jasper

Jeffery doing his Gladys Cravitts imitation again.....

A Beautiful visitor graced us at the Marina Saturday

Mom Dad and children Sunday morning

Wind chimes sent to me from Laurie for Happy RV!

Doggie Statue at the lake

This was hysterical!!! Walking the boys in the morning and wanted to get a pic of them by this funny dog statue. What we didn't know was that when you get near the statue its leg and tail wag and the dog barks. Scared the poop out of Jasper and Jeffery.
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Monday, May 07, 2007

Our first sunset on Friday 05/04/07 8:18 PM

It was worth it.

The sunsets and our first walk on the beach Saturday morning at 7 am was worth all the scrimping and saving we did over the winter to get here. I cannot express the extreme joy
I feel realizing one of my long time dreams! This was the weekend of all our firsts and discoveries. With many more to come in the next few weekends.
Now I need to name my Rv, Shangri-la? Gypsi wagon? Elysian fields? This will take some thought.
And MANY thanks to my friend and co-worker Ed for saving our lives with the lawn mower!!!

Blip! Almost gone...

My trusty camping coffee pot! mmmm Good Coffee....