I had already planned on getting another dog, Jasper cries so bad when he see's other dogs and he misses his doggie daycare playing with friends. I havent found one out here in our new neighborhood. Well, I was walking in the mall and went in a doorway I never use, something told me "go thru that door" and I saw the pet store right there, oh I'll just look, and I did, and I could not leave!!! They had silkie terriers for 1200.00!!!!! Oh no, I better go, but I needed to look at every single dog first just to see their cute faces. And then I saw 3 pups playing and they all looked like Jasper when he was a baby, I asked the lady if they were poodle mixes. She said yes! They are Schnoodles! (schauser-poodles) excetp THAT one, he'sa Rat Terrier Poodle mix. Rat Terrier! I love those guys, can I see him? Well......she brought him out, he is absolutely tiny, and of course I am like 80% wanting him, the price is NO WHERE near the high price of the silkies.
But here is the deal breaker, I ask her how old he is, she said, well he was born on 11/11. WHAT? Now some of you know my thing about the number 11:11 how I always felt that is a lucky number for me. (
http://www.spiritual-path.com/numerology.htm) Well that was all I needed. I took little Jeffery home. The girl was very pleased that he had a name before he left.
Jasper of course has been beside himself! They play alot, and little Jeffery sleeps alot which Jasper does not understand why he does not play for HOURS. Thank God there was a dog cage in the garage because I don't think I can leave them together yet while I am at work. Jasper has little 'bouts of jealousy and I try very hard to make sure he does not feel slighted. I just realized that Jasper is 2 years old and he just finally got out of the obnoxious young dog habits and here I am starting all over!!! Oh well, I think it will be worth it. I have my boys now to take camping. I am sure we will have many adventures. And now I have my little family to come home to.