Sunday, November 27, 2005

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Castle Rock on the way to Colorado Springs

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Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!

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Hey, I see Boulder, CO

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Boulder, CO

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In Boulder, CO

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Cool outdoor mall in Boulder, CO

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Saturday, November 19, 2005

Ok I went and got a Digital Camera

So sit down, relax and for the next few minutes take a little road trip with me and Jasper on a Saturday afternoon. We were heading toward Rocky Mountain State Park by way of Rt 70 to 72 but got side tracked and went through BlackHawk a small town with a ton of cute old fashioned casinos. and thru Golden and back home.

CLICK on the pics for a better view. Especially the rams we saw at the red light! I was the typical tourist snapping pics AND driving at the same time, thank God Jasper took the wheel a few times. First day with my new camera....I promise I will get better!!!!

Take a little road trip with me and Jasper

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Take a drive with me

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Click for better view of City of Denver

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Passing by Denver

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Denver on the side

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driving and snapping pics ...whoah..... oops

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mountains getting closer

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a perfect day!

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me and my arrow..........

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on a clear day.......

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Jasper spots a great pee stop!!!! Right here mommie....

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Jasper takes the wheel for a while

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Wish you were here with me

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Click on pic for closer view

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Yes I am still driving

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